
Mostrando las entradas de octubre, 2020

One of my favourite movies

  Hello everyone! I'm here again with another post abour my favourite movie! In the first place, I see myself in the need to say that it was a very difficult decision, because I’m that kind of person who doesn’t see a movie twice, no matter how much I like them. Of course there are exceptions and one of them is the movie that I will talk about now. Mean girls! the 2004’s iconic teen comedy starring Lindsay Lohan. I can’t describe how much I love this movie and in my opinion is the best teen comedy movie ever. The story is about a girl who has spent most of her life in the African jungle, due to her parents' Zoologists. His life changes completely when they decide to enroll her in a school in Illinois, in the United States. She will have serious problems adjusting to her new surroundings, something that will become even more challenging thanks to the popular girl group. It looks so superficial but if you see with a critical eye, it’s a great social criticism of the teenage probl
  Hello everyone,how are you today? welcome to my second blog! Today I'm going to talk about the special concert that I went to. It was on November 13, 2013 to the Justtin Bieber’s “Believe Tour” in Santiago, Chile at the national stadium. I have to say that at that time I was a huge fan and it was my dream to see him, now, I’m not a fan actually, but the experience I will never forget. I was 12 years old and I went to the concert with my best friend, because she was a big fan  like me and we didn't mind having classes that day, we went to the queue at 8 am, and it was crazy! Literally it was full of people at that hour and the funniest thing is that the concert started at 6 pm, but unfortunately the concert was delayed two hours due to the problems caused by the amount of people. Nothing that makes me sad because at that time, it was the happiest moment in my life, I enjoyed the concert so much. It was beautiful and had an amazing production. The best part was the fan’s singin

Blog 1: Country I would like to visit

Hi everyone! how are you?  This is my first blog and today I’m going to talk about the country I would like to visit: Japan, and maybe you will wonder: Why Japan?   Well, actually I’m a huge fan of asian countries, but Japan is definitely the country that I want to visit the most, and although it sounds ridiculous, this dream was born watching anime (Japanese animation series) in my childhood. Japan sounds really interesting to me, the language is a challenge, the culture is completely different from ours, the cities are technologically advanced and colorful, just look at the photo! it’s amazing! and the food looks delicious. It 's surreal! I really want to visit every corner of Japan and try new things, but I don't know if I would live there permanently, I would rather have a long vacation in this country. and that’s all, I hope you enjoyed the post and tell me if you want to visit this country too.  See you in the next blog!