My future job

 Hi everyone, it's been a while since the last time! Today I'm here to talk about my future work.

I think it's a little difficult to answer but I'll start saying that I'm currently in my second year of architecture. I entered to study knowing only that architecture was a multidisciplinary career that at first sight called my attention, but in these two years I have learned a lot, not only technical things like making plans, designing projects, analyzing neighborhoods, houses or users, I also learned beyond the curriculum; teamwork, the influence of architecture in daily life, the search for social welfare, among other things.

Although at the beginning I may have regretted the career I chose, now I can say that I like it very much and I hope to use the knowledge I acquire in the future to help society from the point of view of architecture, with social housing, community centers, hospitals, green areas and other projects that aim to improve people's quality of life.

That's it for today, please wish me luck and I'll do it for you too, until next time!


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